Asbestos Testing

Air Sampling & Analysis

Air Sampling is performed as part of an asbestos abatement project by our certified technicians for regulatory compliance and to assure safe air quality conditions prior to re-occupying the regulated work area. Testing is mandated on most projects over 10 square feet or 25 linear feet of Asbestos material affected.Air is collected inside and outside the work area before the project commences and then again upon completion. On larger scope projects, testing is sometimes required during abatement activity.

Laboratory worker looking into microscope
Closeup of asbestos

Asbestos Inspections

Pre-Demolition & Pre-Renovation Inspections

Technicians testing for asbestos in office building

Asbestos Project Monitoring

Checking location for progress

Technician using mold testing device on wall

Mold Inspections

Assessments & Work Plans

Technician testing for mold in laboratory

Mold Testing

Check mold growth and development

Envelope Blower Door fan testing in home

Envelope/Blower Door Testing

Whole House Infiltration Test

Air Quality testing device held by hand in office hallway

Indoor Air Quality Testing

Dust, VOC's & Mold Testing

Radon testing device being used indoors

Radon Testing

Eliminate possible cancer risks

Lead paint cracking on wall

Lead Paint Testing

Identifing dangers in older properites